Here we are at the end of another year! Good-by 2022, and hello 2023. This year has been a roller coaster, but through these issues I have garnered much wisdom. I have weathered both personal and business set backs. But I believe things like what I have experienced make me much stronger as an individual. This helps with developing wiser decision making and critical thinking when dealing with this business venture of mine. I will be doing some changes to my business model this year, I am trying to streamline everything, so in this post I am offering the bars pictured in this post at a discounted price. Some will not be back in 2024, some will be back with the seasons. But they will be available until December 31st 2023 and then will be off the website! The bars being removed for good are the Balsam, Lavender & Spearmint and Buttermilk Baby. The bars that will be back next fall and winter will be the Orange & Clove, Creamy Vanilla & Nutmeg and the Peppermint & Vanilla. Out with the old, in with the new! I can't wait to experience our new year!
I am truly hoping all of you have the grandest Christmas ever! And remember family is everything, if you have grand-children especially just know that they are the future. Invest in them when ever you can! Hugs too all!!!!!